Seth Michelson a publié dix-neuf livres de poésie originale et de poésie en traduction, ainsi que l’anthologie de poésie bilingue-espagnol Dreaming America: Voices of Undocumented Youth in Maximum-Security Detention.
Ses reconnaissances comprennent des bourses du National Endowment for the Arts, de la Fulbright Foundation et de la Mellon Foundation, et son travail a été traduit en plusieurs langues, dont l’allemand, l’hindi, l’italien, le serbe, le slovène, l’espagnol et le vietnamien.
Il enseigne la poésie de l’hémisphère américain à l’Université Washington and Lee, où il a fondé et dirige le Center for Poetic Research et est titulaire de la chaire d’études latino-américaines et caribéennes.
Seth Michelson has published nineteen books of original poetry and poetry in translation, as well as the bilingual-Spanish poetry anthology Dreaming America: Voices of Undocumented Youth in Maximum-Security Detention.
His honors include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Fulbright Foundation, and the Mellon Foundation, and his work has been translated into multiple languages, including German, Hindi, Italian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
He teaches the poetry of the hemispheric Americas at Washington and Lee University, where he founded and directs the Center for Poetic Research and is the chair of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.